Friday, November 3, 2017

Make your Child love ABC Writing and Reading

I couldn't believe my eyes when my son who is 2 years old, called my attention and told me he wrote 'A'. and  he continued to write the whole alphabet!

Many parents struggle to teach letter sounds and writing to their child. It was no exception for me  since I didn't know much about how to present it other than the traditional way. After trying several methods, one or combination of these might work for you.

1. Wooden letter Puzzle
I took advantage of his obsession in repetition until the item is mastered.
I encouraged also his need for order, he always matches in alphabetical order A-Z.
Choose one that has a pincer grip,
it will also help them prepare for pen writing later
2. Letter books and Music

 Read, read and read, add a tune, singing makes it easier to remember.
check version sung by the author
Go to a local Market and match the fruits and vegetables
take a careful look
Find and frame letters around your city

3. Sandpaper letters and Movable letters
Trace with two fingers, say the letter sound.
Ideally, limit up to three for introduction of letters.
Read more on Montessori method of  presentation.
image from

4. GAMES: A-Z sound
During traffic, we take turns in thinking words that start in letter A and so forth. You'll be amazed at what words kids think of.

5. Handwriting Without Tears
This has helped us build the uppercase letters with fun.

Building Mat Man
Image from Mrs, smith singing the Mat Man song

Building Letters
made our custom made pieces from foam board,
you may purchase or make wood for sturdier pieces