Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Homeschooling might not be for you but Learning at Home is for Everyone!

I have seen and met passionate parents in teaching their child. Sadly,  I have seen a lot of parents who neglect their child because of the mistaken notion that it's the school's responsibility to teach.

Most might not be cut out to be a 'homeschooling' mom, but this I am certain, learning starts at home and all of us can be a great teacher!

Let's start with this:

1. Talk and Listen to your child.
Don't baby talk, expand your vocabulary, speak and explain, don't underestimate their capacity to learn and understand.
Listen to your child's interests and explore it. Build up an idea for them to expand their interests. 
photo from listentalkdraw

2. Read and experience the Story
Each book becomes memorable and special if you do something that is in relation to it.

Daughter and I reading Nursery Rhymes from her dad's childhood library

3. Be a good example.
Children mimic us, our words and actions they see, even when you think they are not attentive. 
Father daughter playing imaginary juggle juggle, guess who mimics who?!

Go beyond and be a Home schooler! I attended a homeschooling conference last week, with this I learned a tad more about it.

Lecture, Prizes and Shopping on the treasure trove of Educational Materials

1. Be Organized and manage your time
Make a plan and a goal to follow.

Schedule whether manual, digital, whatever works for you

2. Assign a budget to spend for a homeschooling curriculum and materials to support it.
Booth hopping, shopping and inquiring me, photo from Blue Cross

Government requires a provider for kindergarten, so you still need to enroll.

We don't have enough libraries in the Philippines, there is a need to buy books, though now it is more accessible to buy second hand books at a reasonable cost.

photo from my client's place

Materials and activities (out of town trips, music, sports, art)

curriculum we use now which i find fun and non-formal

Home schooled kids play during the Conference

3. Willingness to learn yourself
You need to know what you are teaching!

life is continued learning

4. Patience and a Passionate heart.
Not all days are sunny, prepare your mind and attitude on the unexpected.

photo from i.stock

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