Saturday, February 22, 2014

Peek a Boo, I Love You!

Every baby loves a game of Peek-a-Boo and my daughter is no exception.
Summer a year ago, we had this theme in one of her classes.

Summarizing the activities, here are some suggested activities for your growing baby:

1. SING & READ a book, Play Peek-a-Boo with family members, in blankets, behind doors, there are endless way to surprise a baby.

2. WALK YOUR FINGERS Up and Down with nursery rhymes such as Eensy Weensy Spider, Jack & Jill

3. PLAY THE DRUM with foreign songs and put a beat on it, try fast and slow, loud and soft

4. BOUNCE IN A GYM BALL , it's a good exercise and helps the babies' brain wire and hear the rhythm

5. SHOW HER REFLECTION  they love it, she'll also learn to focus, track her movement and explore facial reactions which is critical to her emotional and social development
unbreakable mirror can be bought at baby shops

6. LET HER CRAWL IN A TUNNEL and play a fun classical music, let her navigate and reach her goal

7. WADDLE IN THE WATER, add fun by adding rubber duckies and count them all!

Have fun, every stage of your growing baby is unique, create the best memories with it! :)

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